Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Moment of Truth

Yesterday I put my notice in at Blick. In an earlier post I mentioned that I was planning to quit my full time job and focus on painting; that time has finally come. Things started to fall in place this past week, and over the weekend I had to weigh my decisions. What is more important time or money? I believe the answer is time.

I am feeling a mixture of emotions. Each day now is a combination of exhilaration and anxiety. I am thrilled by the prospect of freedom, and not having to sling art supplies in a retail environment. I am also terrified of having to survive without that steady source of income flowing in. The unknown is always scary, but nothing is gained without risk.

In July I pick up an additional class at Lill Street Art Center. I will also start work for an organization called Street Level. They have hired me on as an Artist Mentor for their Summer Art Apprenticeship Program. These gigs will provide enough money to pay the bills on the short term, but they are also very temporary and contingent upon enrollment. However, that is the price I am willing to pay for more time in the studio.

My goal is to succeed as a professional artist. I do not want to do anything else but paint and occasionally teach. This is the life I want to live, so I am going to start living it. This is about my choice in lifestyle and creating my own values. Success is a state of mind, and it is nearly impossible to attain while working for someone else. The road ahead is going to be tough and there will be plenty of obstacles to overcome, but I believe I am up to the challenge.

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